Tag Archives: Fixedmedia

Hypothesis No.2 will be performed in MUSLAB International electroacoustic 2024

  Hypothesis No.2 one of the my recent fixed media work, will be performed in the MUSLAB International electroacoustic music exhibition. In Prometeo Theater, Quito, Ecuador. December 2 to 6 at the from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. https://muslab.org/after.html فرضیه شماره دو، یکی از ساخته های سال‌های اخیرم برای فیکس مدیا، در نمایشگاه بین المللی […]

The unveiling of “Sonorystyka No.1” album

رونماییِ آلبوم سونوریکا شماره یک اولین آلبوم رسمی آنسامبل خانه رویا سرپرست: سهیل شیرنگی آثاری از نادر مشایخی، علی رادمان و آیدین صمیمی مفخم ناشر: پژواک آوای معاصر انقلاب، بین مترو دروازه دولت و شریعتی، ضلع شمالی زیر پل روشندلان، ساختمان تجاری آریان، طبقه چهارم شرقی، سالن سرنا لطفا برای رزرو صندلی، نام و نام […]

Suspension No.1 in audiovisual frontiers

Suspension No.1(For Accordion And Fixed Media) has been selected for audiovisual frontiers(virtual exhibition) at the university of California, Riverside. Composer: Soheil Shirangi Accordion Player: Benoit Rey Here is link: https://audiovisualmusic.ucr.edu/ https://audiovisualmusic.ucr.edu/audiovisual-frontiers…/ And Suspension No.1: https://audiovisualmusic.ucr.edu/audiovi…/suspension-no-1/

Certificate Parana(Brazil)

The Hypothesis No.3(For Multi Chanel Electronic) Year Of Creation: June 2017   Soundcloud Link September 2018 Performed at the Simn Festival at the Curitiba Theater in Brazil. https://soundcloud.com/soheil-shirangi/the-hypothesis-no3for-multi-chanel-electronic

”Your Concept…” An excerpt from rehearsals

”Your Concept…” For Piano, Electronics and Spoken Words An excerpt from rehearsals By: Anoush Moazzeni Composer: Soheil Shirangi National Youth Assembly CMC, Smbbmu larkano Suoni Per Il Popolo Iranian Female Composers Association – IFCA Canada Council for the Arts | Conseil des arts du Canada مفهومِ تو(برای پیانو، الکترونیک و کلمات گفتاری) هَرچه دَر فَهمِ […]

2017 Soheil Shirangi Won The Second Person Tehran International Electronic Music Festival Award

Soheil Shirangi Won The Second Person Tehran International Electronic Music Festival Award(2017) In Tehran, Iran.     Suspension No.2(For Electronic Voices & Prepared Piano) 

2020 Release ” Spectrum, Vol. 1″ by Phasma

Spectrum Vol.1 is a new album of electroacoustic compositions that explores these ideas through a musical meditation on  time and space, represent traces of the collective imagination, and similarities between different cultures point and a shared human experience. Each work depicts a sonic landscape that serves as a musical reflection of a space with cross-cultural significance. […]

2017 Release “sunset in the woodland”

2017 Release “sunset in the woodland” An album from him and other choices of the second part of the compilation contest Reza korurian, Published by Yaravah Group, Tehran, Iran. Suspension No.2(For Electronic Voices & Prepared Piano)